Pattern Recognition and Reinforcement Learning


Problem: Getting son to eat broccoli


  • Acclimatization: Serve once a week until he gets used to it
  • Better than alternative: It’s better than spinach
  • Enticements: We’ll watch your favorite movie after
  • Trickery: It’s candy
  • Testimonial: Your best friend likes it
  • Wait it out: We’re not leaving this table until …
  • Piecemeal: Just one little bite
  • Appeal to Reason: Great source of vitamins K and C

Reinforcement Learning:

Randomly try strategies. If they work, choose them more often.

Rock Paper Scissors

This is an iterated adversarial zero-sum two-person game of perfect information.


The scoring logic is easily encoded in a Python dictionary:

# scorer['RS'] -> 1 meaning Rock cuts Scissors is +1 for the first player.
scorer = dict(SP=1, PR=1, RS=1, PS=-1, RP=-1, SR=-1, SS=0, PP=0, RR=0)

Now, it’s time to thinking about winning (not losing):

  • Playing randomly assures that we lose no more than one-third of the time, regardless of our opponent’s strategy.
  • If our opponent is completely predictable, we can always win.
  • In the real world, humans have a hard time simulating perfect randomness or who “have a plan” to beat us:
    • A mild preference for paper
    • Propensity to select rock after they’ve played scissors
    • If we play paper, they often select scissors on the next round
    • They tend to copy our last play
  • In other words, there may be patterns that we can detect and exploit to win more than a third of the time.

Our Approach

  • Generate multiple competing pattern recognition strategies

  • Choose between the strategies multi-arm bandit approach to reinforcement learning.

  • Core logic:

    for trial in range(trials):
      # choose our move
      # get opponent's move
      # determine the winner
      # update move history and strategy weights

Helpful Python Skills

  • itertools.chain() links to multiple iterables into one:

    >>> from itertools import chain
    >>> list(chain('RPRPS', 'RPS'))
    ['R', 'P', 'R', 'P', 'S', 'R', 'P', 'S']
  • itertools.cycle() repeats a sequence over and over again:

    >>> from itertools import cycle, islice
    >>> list(islice(cycle('RPS'), 9))
    ['R', 'P', 'S', 'R', 'P', 'S', 'R', 'P', 'S']
  • collections.Counter() tallies frequencies of the inputs:

    >>> from collections import Counter
    >>> Counter('RPRPSRPSR')
    Counter({'R': 4, 'P': 3, 'S': 2})
  • Counter.most_common(n) picks the n most common counts:

    >>> Counter('RPRPSRPSR').most_common(2)
    [('R', 4), ('P', 3)]
  • zip(*somedict.items()) transposes items into a separate keys and values:

    >>> d = dict(R=4, P=3, S=2)
    >>> keys, values = zip(*d.items())
    >>> keys
    ('R', 'P', 'S')
    >>> values
    (4, 3, 2)
  • zip(a, a[1:]) groups input into overlapping digraphs:

    >>> a = 'abcde'
    >>> list(zip(a, a[1:]))
    [('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'd'), ('d', 'e')]
  • random.choices(population, weights)[0] makes a weighted choice from a population:

    >>> from random import choices
    >>> choices(['R', 'P', 'S'], [6, 3, 1], k=10)
    ['P', 'P', 'R', 'S', 'R', 'P', 'P', 'R', 'R', 'P']
    >>> Counter(_)
    Counter({'P': 5, 'R': 4, 'S': 1})

The Code

''' Generic learning algorithm for adversarial two-person
    zero-sum games of perfect information.

    General approach:  Make a list of strategies based
    on pattern recognition. Use the multi-arm bandit
    approach to learning which strategies win the most.

from collections import Counter
from random import choices, choice
from itertools import chain, cycle
from pprint import pprint

# Game Definition ################################

# scorer['RS'] -> 1 meaning Rock cuts Scissors is +1 for the first player.
scorer = dict(SP=1, PR=1, RS=1, PS=-1, RP=-1, SR=-1, SS=0, PP=0, RR=0)

# Scissors cuts Paper; Paper covers Rock; Rock crushes Scissors
ideal_response = {'P': 'S', 'R': 'P', 'S': 'R'}
options = ['R', 'P', 'S']

# Strategy Utilities #############################

def select_proportional(events, baseline=()):
    rel_freq = Counter(chain(baseline, events))
    population, weights = zip(*rel_freq.items())
    return choices(population, weights)[0]

def select_maximum(events, baseline=()):
    rel_freq = Counter(chain(baseline, events))
    return rel_freq.most_common(1)[0][0]

# Strategies #####################################

def random_reply(p1hist, p2hist):
    return choice(options)

def single_event_proportional(p1hist, p2hist):
    """ When opponent plays R two-thirds of the time,
        respond with P two-thirds of the time.'
    prediction = select_proportional(p2hist, options)
    return ideal_response[prediction]

def single_event_greedy(p1hist, p2hist):
    """ When opponent plays R more than P or S,
        always respond with P.'
    prediction = select_maximum(p2hist, options)
    return ideal_response[prediction]

def digraph_event_proportional(p1hist, p2hist):
    """ When opponent's most recent play is S
        and they usually play R two-thirds of the time
        after an S, respond with P two-thirds of the time.
    recent_play = p2hist[-1:]
    digraphs = zip(p2hist, p2hist[1:])
    followers = [b for a, b in digraphs if a == recent_play]
    prediction = select_proportional(followers, options)
    return ideal_response[prediction]

def digraph_event_greedy(p1hist, p2hist):
    """ When opponent's most recent play is S
        and they usually play R two-thirds of the time
        after an S, respond with P all of the time.
    recent_play = p2hist[-1:]
    digraphs = zip(p2hist, p2hist[1:])
    followers = [b for a, b in digraphs if a == recent_play]
    prediction = select_maximum(followers, options)
    return ideal_response[prediction]

strategies = [random_reply, single_event_proportional, single_event_greedy,
              digraph_event_proportional, digraph_event_greedy]

def play_and_learn(opposition, strategies=strategies,
                   trials=1000, verbose=False):
    strategy_range = range(len(strategies))
    weights = [1] * len(strategies)
    p1hist = []
    p2hist = []
    cum_score = 0
    for trial in range(trials):
        # choose our move
        our_moves = [strategy(p1hist, p2hist) for strategy in strategies]
        i = choices(strategy_range, weights)[0]
        our_move = our_moves[i]

        # get opponent's move
        opponent_move = opposition(p2hist, p1hist)

        # determine the winner
        score = scorer[our_move + opponent_move]
        if verbose:
            print(f'{our_move} ~ {opponent_move} = {score:+d}'
        cum_score += score

        # update move history and strategy weights
        for i, our_move in enumerate(our_moves):
            if scorer[our_move + opponent_move] == 1:
                weights[i] += 1

    print(f'---- vs. {opposition.__name__} ----')            
    print('Total score:', cum_score)
    pprint(sorted([(weight, strategy.__name__) for weight, strategy in zip(weights, strategies)]))

if __name__ == '__main__':

    def human(p1hist, p2hist):
        return input(f'Choose one of {options!r}: ')

    def fixed_ratio(p1hist, p2hist):
        return choices(options, (1, 2, 3))[0]

    def cycling(series):
        iterator = cycle(series)
        def cycle_opponent(p1hist, p2hist):
            return next(iterator)
        return cycle_opponent

    play_and_learn(opposition=human, trials=10, verbose=True)

Critiques and Improvements

  • When humans are losing, they generally change they strategy, so we should “age” our weights to adapt to the change.
  • The random_reply strategy wins one-third of the time so it keeps getting selected when other strategies are doing better.
  • We need to keep random_reply in the mix in case our strategies get figured-out and gamed. Randomness is your best defense against a smarter adversary.
  • The multi-arm bandit approach (choosing the strategy proportionally to wins and losses) results in very slow learning.
  • Humans get bored with this game quickly, so it is hard get people to test it.

Where you can go from here

  • None of the code logic is hard-wired to the basic game.
  • It is easy to add new strategies.
  • Or to evaluate various published how-to-win strategies.
  • Changing the game definition logic allows for more complex games such as rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock: